I was able to successfully drop my last Yahoo login service today... Well, this has been on the to do list for a while. I do not use Flickr other than to browse photos making it low priority. I only use it to save photos if I find them interesting and track any with me in them. My largest frustration was the need to log into the Yahoo account I created in middle school and only used for Flickr.
Note: This is how I made the switch, some steps may be unnecessary. I thought it be better to tell all my steps taken and let you tell me if there is something unnecessary instead of being unable to perform the switch.
How To Switch:
Pre-Requisite conditions: The Google account you wish to use is not already associated with a Flickr account.
- Reset the password to your Yahoo account (this disassociated Flickr from my Yahoo Account)
- Go to Flickr's login help site select the "Help by Email" link at the bottom. Provide your Flickr profile URL and username. Ask them to make your Flickr Account "Dangly" so you can switch login methods. Explain that you want to login with your Google account, but due to their method of switching associated Yahoo ID's that you cannot make the switch. I expressed how I was disappointed in the lack of the ability to make the switch on my own. I told them that the option for logging in with Google was not possible at the time that Flickr Required merging with a Yahoo ID and had I had the choice I would have chosen the Google Login. (this is true)
- My first reply was that my issue was being elevated to a senior support specialist and it may be up to 3 days for them to respond.
- Upon getting the reply email from the senior support specialist you should have a link at the bottom that will ask you to setup your Flickr account. Even though they state that you need to associate it with a Yahoo ID, select the Google login method.
- Follow any other steps on the screen and you should now be able to Log into Flickr via Google.
First support email response from Flickr:
Thank you for contacting Flickr Member Support.I have escalated your email to a senior representative inan effort to obtain the best answer. Please allow up to 3days for us to respond to your question.In the meantime, please feel to check out our online FAQs: http://www.flickr.com/help/faqas well as our Forum: http://www.flickr.com/help/forum/If you have any other questions, please feel free to replyto this email.Thank you again for contacting us.Regards,Flickr Member Support
The following text is the email the Flickr help senior support specialist sent me.
Hi [username],
You're getting this email from Flickr HQ because youdecided to detach your "[username]" Flickr account fromits Yahoo! ID. That means you've got what we like to call a"dangly" Flickr account that you need to deal with.
You have two options.
1. You can either merge your "[username]" Flickr accountwith another Yahoo! ID, *or*
2. You can delete the "[username]" Flickr account andany/all items associated with it.
Here's the deal:
We had to reset the password on your "[username]" Flickraccount when you detached it from its Yahoo! ID, so Step 1will be to choose a new password; something you'll rememberin case you have to sign in again.
Then, you'll need to let us know whether you'd like tomerge your "[username]" account with another Yahoo! ID, orjust delete it.
Thanks!The Flickreenos
----If you get stuck, just click on the "Help" link you seewhen you're on Flickr. Tell us as much as you can about youraccount
I hope this was helpful to people wanting to migrate to their preferred login for Flickr.